Group Therapy

Discover the Power of Group Therapy

At The Group Psychology Practice, we don't just facilitate group therapy; we ignite transformation through interpersonal connections inspired by the pioneering work of Irvin Yalom.

Why Choose Group Therapy?

  • Cost-Effective: Group therapy offers affordable support without compromising quality.
    Sharing your journey with others provides valuable guidance at a fraction of the cost.
  • Unravel Challenges: Many issues stem from past relationships. In our sessions, we explore these roots, uncovering patterns that affect your present interactions.
  • Harness Group Dynamics: Within our supportive community you’ll discover how you relate to others in real-time. Together, we'll reveal blind spots hindering fulfilling connections.
  • Elevate Relationships: Gain insights to refine your approach and foster deeper connections. Our sessions serve as a dress rehearsal for real-life relationships.
Join us today

Ready to start your group journey?

Contact Soren to schedule your free 30-minute screening call. 
Soren will assess your needs and goals for group therapy and provide session details.

facilitated by
Soren Ashley